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18 Jul 2012

FHR Anlagenbau informs customers and suppliers about its unchanged continu­ation of business opera­tions

FHR Anlagenbau GmbH continues its business as usual. This was communicated by the management to the company's customers and suppliers.
Ingenieurin erläutert dem Kunden die Funktionsweise der Anlage an einem Monitor

The man­age­ment informs cus­tom­ers and sup­pli­ers of FHR Anla­gen­bau GmbH that the com­pany will con­tinue all busi­ness oper­a­tions without any change. “We con­tinue work­ing on our cus­tomer pro­jects with greatest engin­eer­ing com­pet­ence, and we will go on sup­ply­ing our cus­tom­ers with solu­tions and products in the same first-class qual­ity as before, and of course ful­fil all agree­ments entered into with our sup­pli­ers,” says Man­aging Dir­ector Tor­sten Wink­ler.

FHR Anla­gen­bau GmbH is not affected by the insolv­ency pro­tec­tion plan of the par­ent com­pany. Centro­therm photo­vol­ta­ics AG had filed an applic­a­tion to ini­ti­ate insolv­ency pro­tec­tion pro­ceed­ings under its own admin­is­tra­tion (pur­su­ant to the Ger­man Act Relat­ing to the Fur­ther Sim­pli­fic­a­tion of the Reor­gan­iz­a­tion of Com­pan­ies [ESUG], and Sec­tion 270 b of the Ger­man Insolv­ency Dir­ect­ive [InsO]) with Dis­trict Court of Ulm (Ger­many). That applic­a­tion also included the asso­ci­ated com­pan­ies centro­therm thermal solu­tions GmbH & Co. KG and centro­therm SiTec GmbH. The dis­trict court approved that applic­a­tion. However, all other affil­i­ates in Ger­many and world-wide con-tinue oper­a­tions as usual.