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27 Nov 2014

FHR provides third-gener­ation tube coating solutions for solar thermal absorbers in concen­trated solar power plants (CSP) – highly productive sputtering systems to deposit complex thin film systems on tube surfaces

In the world of solar thermal applications, functional layers are crucial. For solar receivers, optimal radiation absorption and minimal heat emission (IR radiation) are essential. These properties are achieved through a vacuum coating of the absorber tubes with a special thin-film system made of metallic and ceramic layers.
FHR Inline Beschichtungsanlage PVD Quellen

When it comes to func­tional lay­ers for solar thermal applic­a­tions, then greatest import­ance is attached to the best pos­sible absorp­tion of solar radi­ation while the emis­sion of heat (IR radi­ation) shall of course be as low as feas­ible. These prop­er­ties are achieved by way of coat­ing the absorber tubes under vacuum with a spe­cial sys­tem of thin films con­sist­ing of metal­lic and ceramic lay­ers. FHR Anla­gen­bau provides for the solar thermal energy mar­ket to their Taiwanese cus­tomer Xxentria tube coat­ing solu­tions of the third gen­er­a­tion which fea­ture the phys­ical vapour depos­ition tech­no­logy (PVD). These cut­ting-edge, highly ver­sat­ile and pro­duct­ive vacuum coat­ing sys­tems of the FHR.Line series are ideally suited for tube dia­met­ers ran­ging from 25 mm to 100 mm. The types of mag­net­rons used can be chosen freely and the sput­ter­ing tar­gets can be arranged in an appro­pri­ate way, which makes for cus­tomer-spe­cific optim­isa­tion of the sput­ter­ing con­fig­ur­a­tion with view to both layer sys­tem and tubu­lar geo­metry of the sub­strates. An absorptance of more than 95 per cent and low­est emissiv­ity can already be achieved with an inex­pens­ive stand­ard layer sys­tem depos­ited on the absorber tube sur­faces.