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28 Sep 2022

Ultra-thin glass used for full roll-to-roll depos­ition of OLEDs

Ultra-thin glass (UTG) is revolutionizing the world of materials. With its thickness of only 200 µm or less, it combines the durability of rigid glass panes with astonishing flexibility and feather-light weight. Discover the future of glass design with UTG - a true masterpiece of technology!
Glasfassade mit antireflektiver Beschichtung zur Wärmedämmung

Ultra-thin glass (UTG) is an excit­ing mater­ial. It exhib­its bene­fi­cial fea­tures known from rigid glass sheets like res­ist­ance against heat, UV-light and many chem­ic­als as well as dimen­sional sta­bil­ity, high gas bar­rier per­form­ance and sur­face smooth­ness. Thanks to the thick­ness of only 200 µm or less, however, it also comes with bene­fits that are sur­pris­ing for glass sub­strates, e.g. bend­ab­il­ity and light weight – approx.
250 g/​m² for 100 µm thick UTG.

Recently, vari­ous smart­phone man­u­fac­tur­ers have star­ted to offer phones with fold­able dis­plays based on UTG. This high-priced applic­a­tion can recoup devel­op­ment costs of the UTG and fin­ance the upscal­ing of pro­duc­tion. In the medium term, this mater­ial should thus also become afford­able for lar­ger dis­plays through to OLED light pan­els or even thin-film solar cells.

A con­sor­tium of indus­trial and research part­ners from Ger­many and Japan has demon­strated the poten­tial of UTG for mass pro­duc­tion by suc­cess­fully set­ting up a pilot line for the man­u­fac­tur­ing of organic light emit­ting diodes (OLEDs). This OLED pilot line is com­pletely real­ized as a roll-to-roll pro­cess. The Japan­ese part­ners organ­ized around the Yamagata Uni­versity and the INOEL research insti­tute con­trib­uted all steps from the man­u­fac­tur­ing of 50 and 100 µm thick UTG over full area depos­ition of trans­par­ent con­duct­ive oxide (TCO) towards struc­tur­ing of TCO by screen prin­ted inks and fur­ther sup­port­ive pro­cess steps. Coils of UTG with struc­tured TCO on top were shipped to Ger­many.

The Ger­man part­ners organ­ized around the Organic Elec­tron­ics Sax­ony cluster and Fraunhofer FEP research insti­tute real­ized glass wind­ing in an exist­ing roll-to-roll OLED coater, trans­par­ent elec­trode evap­or­a­tion, encap­su­la­tion, back-sheet lam­in­a­tion, sep­ar­a­tion of single mod­ules as well as embed­ding the mod­ules into demon­strat­ors.

Within this pub­lic fun­ded pro­ject called „LAOLA – Large Area OLED Light­ing Applic­a­tions“ (Ger­man Fed­eral Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion and Research, fund­ing code 03INT509AC), FHR con­trib­uted the reengi-neer­ing of Fraunhofer’s metal strip OLED coater to handle UTG. Even so the pre­con­di­tions set by the machine were by far not ideal for the new pur­pose, the coater can now reli­ably wind UTG with up to
1 m/​min. Besides the detailed tech­nical exper­i­ence and data gained from this pro­ject, one of the major insights is both simple and cru­cial: Ultra-thin glass may still be brittle, but it is much more robust than expec­ted and ready for being used in pro­duc­tion.

FHR, Marian Böh­ling (CSO):„Ultra-thin glass is an amaz­ing mater­ial. As the price falls, it will become the mater­ial of choice for more and more applic­a­tions. FHR is pre­pared to offer cus­tom­ers the tech­no­logy for coat­ing ultra-thin glass with any type of thin films - whether for sensors, dis­plays, bat­ter­ies, OLEDs, thin-film photo­vol­ta­ics or other applic­a­tions.“

FHR Anla­gen­bau GmbH - The Thin Film Com­pany was foun­ded in 1991 and offers tailor-made vacuum coat­ing sys­tems and sput­ter­ing tar­gets as well as coat­ing and equip­ment ser­vice from a single source.

The close cooper­a­tion with our cus­tom­ers starts with the pro­cess devel­op­ment and con­tin­ues with the devel­op­ment of pilot scale up to mass pro­duc­tion. Our port­fo­lio integ­rates the tech­no­lo­gies sput­ter­ing, evap­or­a­tion, PECVD and ALD into the equip­ment types cluster, inline, roll-to-roll and batch. Based in Ger­many and with sys­tems installed world­wide in vari­ous indus­tries such as semi­con­duct­ors, MEMS, elec­tron­ics, sensor tech­no­logy, optics, photo­vol­ta­ics, etc., we will jointly find vacuum coat­ing solu­tions for our cus­tom­ers.