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07 Jun 2011

FHR expands foil coating technology portfolio with the FHR.Roll.300-PECVD platform

FHR Anla­gen­bau GmbH is expand­ing its tech­no­logy port­fo­lio in the roll-to-roll sys­tems product area. Along with PVD-based thin film depos­ition such as mag­net­ron sput­ter­ing and thermal vapor depos­ition, the com­pany is now also offer­ing the oppor­tun­ity for PECVD depos­ition (Plasma-Enhanced Chem­ical Vapor Depos­ition).
Kleine Rolle-zu-Rolle Beschichtungsanlage mit offener Prozesskammer

Otten­dorf-Okrilla, 7. June 2011 FHR Anla­gen­bau GmbH is expand­ing its tech­no­logy port­fo­lio in the roll-to-roll sys­tems product area. Along with PVD-based thin film depos­ition such as mag­net­ron sput­ter­ing and thermal vapor depos­ition, the com­pany is now also offer­ing the oppor­tun­ity for PECVD depos­ition (Plasma-Enhanced Chem­ical Vapor Depos­ition). This plasma-enhanced CVD pro­cess allows par­tic­u­larly low pro­cess tem­per­at­ures, and is ideally suited for the coat­ing of plastic sub­strates. FHR is offer­ing the PECVD tech­no­logy for poly­mer or metal foils with a 300 mm max­imum width. With its FHR.Roll.300-PECVD plat­form, FHR is espe­cially provid­ing cus­tom­ers in the flex­ible elec­tron­ics area with a solu­tion for the depos­ition of insu­la­tion coat­ings such as SiN, SiO and SiON, and in the thin film photo­vol­taic area a solu­tion for the depos­ition of PIN semi­con­ductor coat­ings based on amorph­ous sil­icon (a-Si).