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17 Mar 2015

FHR to deliver roll-to-roll vacuum coat­ing sys­tem for the pro­duc­tion of thermal pro­tec­tion films

The retrofitting of heat protection films on windows and glass facades of existing residential buildings, commercial or industrial architectures promises great potential for energy savings and is considered a means of climate protection.
Offene Kammer einer Roll Coater Anlage für die Dünnfilmbeschichtung

Ret­ro­fit­ted thermal pro­tec­tion films for win­dows and glass façades in exist­ing res­id­en­tial build­ings, com­mer­cial build­ings and indus­trial build­ings offer great energy sav­ing poten­tial and are seen as an import­ant tool in the fight against cli­mate change. FHR Anla­gen­bau has signed a con­tract to sup­ply a Chinese cus­tomer with a roll-to-roll vacuum coat­ing sys­tem of type FHR.Roll.1600-PVD, and pro­duc­tion of this sys­tem has now com­menced.

The pro­duc­tion sys­tem uses sput­ter­ing tech­no­logy and is designed for the depos­ition of a trans­lu­cent com­bin­a­tion of metal and oxide lay­ers that reflect infrared thermal radi­ation (low-e coat­ing) on plastic films with a width of 1600 mm.

"With this con­tract, we have once again under­lined our com­pet­ence and lead­ing pos­i­tion in the mar­ket for indus­trial coat­ing sys­tems for flex­ible film sub­strates", com­ments CEO Dr Rein­hard Fend­ler on this sales suc­cess.